Corporation Bank Specialist Officer Recruitment notification 2012-13 (Advt No.: CRPO-3-2012) has come out today for a total of 431 Specialist Officer positions. As per the notification, online submission of form starts from tomorrow (i.e. 7th August, 2012) and the last date to apply online is 23rd August, 2012. Out of the 431 Specialist Officer positions, Corporation Bank is going to recruit 261 officers through IBPS CWE (Specialist Officer) 2011, while for the rest 170 positions, the recruitment is open (i.e. you can apply although you may not have appeared in IBPS CWE (Specialist Officer) 2011).
You can Click here to download the Corporation Bank Specialist Officer Recruitment notification 2012-13
This blog post summarizes the Corp Bank recruitment notification by quoting the eligibility as well as telling you how to apply online. It also tells you how to prepare for Corporation Bank Specialist Officer Interview towards the end of this article.
Corporation Bank Specialist Officer Vacancy 2012:

As you can find, for the positions of Personnel Officer, IT Officer & Agriculture Field Officer, you do not need to have post-qualification experience and even the freshers can apply for this Corporation Bank Recruitment.

Salary for Corporation Bank Specialist Officer:
Corporation Bank is offering following pay-scale for Specialist Officer:
For Scale I: Rs.14,500–600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700, Minimum Pay 24,800.
For Scale II: Rs. 19400 - 700/1 - 20100 800/10 – 28100, Minimum Pay 33,100.
For Scale II: Rs. 25700 – 800/5- 29700 – 900 /2 - 31500, Minimum Pay 43,900.
For Scale II: Rs. 19400 - 700/1 - 20100 800/10 – 28100, Minimum Pay 33,100.
For Scale II: Rs. 25700 – 800/5- 29700 – 900 /2 - 31500, Minimum Pay 43,900.
Eligibility for Corporation Bank Specialist Officer:
Age Eligibility: (As on 01.06.2012)
As given in the table above. Relaxations exists as per Govt. rule.
Academic Qualification Eligibility:
You can find the detailed post-wise eligibility along with the IBPS CWE TWSS cut-off in the notification for each post.
Corporation Bank Specialist Officer Recruitment 2012 Online Form:
If you posses the above eligibility you can apply for these Corp Bank positions.
You can only apply online for Corp Bank Recruitment 2012. There is no offline form.
Click here to find the Corporation Recruitment 2012 Online Form.
You will also need this Fee payment Voucher.
You will also need this Fee payment Voucher.
The online form would be displayed from 7th August, 2012 to 23rd August, 2012.
How to apply online has been given in detail in "GENERALINSTRUCTIONS" & "HOW TO APPLY" in Page-2 of the notification.
Corporation Bank Recruitment 2012 Call Letter/Admit Card:
Your call letter for Corp Bank Interview would be sent to the e-mail ID that you had entered in the form submission. So check it regularly for the call letter. You should also check this recruitment webpage of Corporation Bank.
Corporation Bank Specialist Officer Interview Preparation:
This blog has excellent materials to help you prepare for the Corporation Bank Interview with a list of Interview questions click here to visit this article, which tells you what are the requirements an interviewer looks for in you. It also gives you an interesting YouTube video telling you how you can also analyze an interviewer and hence be prepared for it. And than it gives you a list of 99 interview questions, which are most repeated in every other interview! These questions helps you prepare yourself.
In addition since how much you know about Corporation Bank would almost inevitably be asked, you should go through this About us page of Corporation Bank as well as go through Wiki on the same.
You can also refer one of the following two books given below for Corporation Bank Interview questions. These books are available in most of the book stores, but you can also order them online by clicking the links below from Flipkart.com which offers huge discounts up to 20%, apart from free shipping/postage in India if the total order exceeds Rs. 200/=. You can choose to pay through Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking. You can also choose to pay through "Cash-on-Delivery" i.e. you pay in cash only when the same is delivered at your doorstep:

Guide To Bank Interviews By M. B. Sivaramakrishnan Publisher: Buzzingstock
Cover Price:Rs.150; Offer Price: Rs.120; Discount: Rs.30/= (20%);
How To Face Bank Interviews? By N.S. Toor Publisher: Skylark
Cover Price:Rs.200; Offer Price: Rs.160; Discount: Rs.30/= (20%)
You can also refer one of the following two books given below for Corporation Bank Interview questions. These books are available in most of the book stores, but you can also order them online by clicking the links below from Flipkart.com which offers huge discounts up to 20%, apart from free shipping/postage in India if the total order exceeds Rs. 200/=. You can choose to pay through Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking. You can also choose to pay through "Cash-on-Delivery" i.e. you pay in cash only when the same is delivered at your doorstep:

Guide To Bank Interviews By M. B. Sivaramakrishnan Publisher: Buzzingstock
Cover Price:
How To Face Bank Interviews? By N.S. Toor Publisher: Skylark
Cover Price:
Hope with above information on Corporation Bank Specialist Officer recruitment you can not only apply with ease but also get that coveted job easily. Best wishes!
Submit your suggestion / comments / complaints / Takedown request on lookyp.com@gmail.com
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