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BISEP Results 2011
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Peshawar was established in 1965 with a view to efficiently control the academic program and examinations at the Secondary and Intermediate level.Since then BISE Peshawar has played a responsible and pivotal role in the promotion, spread and progress of education in the area.In order to ascertain quality education BISEP has always endeavored to maintain its distinctive features in the form of efficiency, transparency and fair-play during the conduct of examinations.
To achieve further excellence in these areas, BISEP tried to provide maximum easy and quick relief service to candidate and their parents by launching certain websites enabling them for an easy access to roll number slips, results, DMCs, registration model papers and information regarding registration/enrolment, affiliation, examination schedule and camp offices.We feel proud of having developed the examination results in Oracle Database Management System, which has given the Peshawar Board an edge over all the Boards of the country.
Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Peshawar announced SSC Supplementary Results 2011.
BISEP SSC Examination Results 2011.
Source - NewsKU Results 2011
Kakatiya University is located in the historical City of Warangal in northern Telengana of Andhra Pradesh.The University has been named after the great Kakatiya Dynasty which ruled this region with Warangal as capital during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.The benevolent Kakatiya rulers ensured political stability, economic prosperity, linguistic and cultural unity and bestowed artistic splendour and literary efflorescence on the kingdom they built.The term "Kakatiya" strikes an emotional chord in the hearts of the Telugu people.
The artistic beauty of the temples with excellent sculpture of unique style, wild life sanctuaries, and the tanks with sparkling waters reflect nature's beauty and provide fabulous fete to the tourists.The amazing Thousand Pillars Temple, the Bhadrakali and the Padmakshi temples, the Warangal Fort, the dense forests of Eturunagaram and Pakal, the large lakes and other destinations are the potential tourist spots of Warangal District.The city has great intellectual legacy.Bammera Pothana, Palkurkthi Somanatha, Sivadevayya, Andhra Bhoja, Iswara Bhatta, Nrisimhakavi, Agasthya, Madhava Vidyaranya, Gangadevi and others adorned the Kakatiya period and some of them formed the brain behind the foundation of the Vijayanagara empire.
Kakatiya University Warangal announced M.Sc Chemical 4th Semester Results 2011.
Kakatiya University PG Examination Results 2011.
BOR Results 2011
Board of Revenue Ajmer Rajasthan announced Patwari Exam Results 2011.
Rajasthan Board Recruitment Results 2011.
Source - News