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Central Board of Secondary Education now announcing the ctet nov exam 2012. All the candidates can apply online form submission procedure by following these given below instructions. Here below we are providing the instructions and procedure and along with this the link through which you can apply online.
1.Please read the instructions and procedures carefully before you start filling the Online Application Form.
2.Candidates can apply for CTET-NOV 2012 'ON-LINE' through CBSE website or w.e.f. 01.08.2012 to 31.08.2012.
Candidates can apply 'ON-LINE' at Board's website or The candidate should supply all details while filling the Online Form. Candidates are required to take a print out of the computer generated Confirmation Page with Registration Number after successful submission of data. The Confirmation page is sent to CBSE.
3.Examination Fees
Only Paper – I or II
Both Paper – I & II
General / OBC Category
Rs. 500 /- (Five hundered)
Rs. 800 /- (Eight hundered)
SC / ST / Differently Abled Category
Rs. 250 /- (Two hundered Fifty)
Rs. 400 /- (Four hundered)
The fee can be remitted in the following ways:By Demand Draft in favour of Secretary, Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Delhi. Write your Registration Number, Name, Address, Mobile No. on the back side of Demand Draft.
4.Before submitting online application, you must have the bank draft for the required fees in hand.
5.Please ensure before dispatching the Confirmation Page that:-
(i)The candidate has signed the Confirmation Page at the specified place.
(ii)The candidate has pasted the recent passport size photograph on the space earmarked for it.
(iii)The candidate has attached the Demand Draft of the required fee. Write your Registration Number, Name, Address, Mobile No. on the back side of Demand Draft.
(iv)The candidate has kept a photocopy of the Confirmation Page for use as reference for future correspondence.
The Confirmation Page must be dispatched in an Envelope of size 12"x9" only and Superscribing "APPLICATION FOR CTET- NOV 2012".
6.The Confirmation Page, complete in all respect, along with Demand Draft should be sent through Registered/Speed Post only so as to reach positively by 07.09.2012 in the CBSE office addressed to;
VIKAS MARG (Opp. Metro Pillar-76),
NEW DELHI-110 092
While sending to CBSE do not enclose any photocopy of Educational or Caste Certificate along with this Confirmation Page.
7.The Confirmation Page, sent by courier shall be rejected. The Confirmation Page shall not be received personally. CBSE will not be responsible for non-receipt of Confirmation page due to any transit/postal loss.
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Tomorrow is a big day because on this day Shri Krishan was Born. India, being the land of festivals, contains a structured diversified population. The festivals celebrated here not only bestow joy and happiness but also spread love and brotherhood among people.
One of the most inspiring messages and stories of Krishna Janmashtami is when Lord Shiva comes disguised as a babaji (an ascetic) to Mother Yashoda's house, to have a glimpse of Baby Krishna.Each festival has a great significance behind its origin and celebration. One such festival is Krishna Janmashtami.
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