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BEL Recruitment 2011
Applications are Invited in Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) For The Following Posts:
Tehsil level DBA (TDBA)
Posts: 06
How To Apply: Walk-in-Interview will be on 04/12/2011.Registration for Walk-in-Interview will be on the same day between 9.00 am to 11.00 am only at Andhra Education Society (Regd), 1, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, (Near ITO) New Delhi – 110002.
Click Here For Application Form
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Source - NewsDena Bank Results 2011
Dena Bank was founded on 26th May 1938 by the family of Devkaran Nanjee under the name Devkaran Nanjee Banking Company Ltd.It became a Public Ltd.Company in December 1939 and later the name was changed to Dena Bank Ltd.In July 1969 Dena Bank Ltd.along with 13 other major banks was nationalized and is now a Public Sector Bank constituted under the Banking Companies Act 1970.Under the provisions of the Banking Regulations Act 1949, in addition to the business of banking, the Bank can undertake other business as specified in Section 6 of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949.
Dena Bank announced Clerk Examination Results 2011.
Dena Bank Clerical Exam Results 2011.
Source - NewsCSGMU Results 2011
Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University was built in 1914 and was called King George Hospital.The funds allocated to the college could hardly be expected to cover the cost of a hospital on a comparable scale.Thus this task was undertaken by the Government of India.The building was again designed by Sir Swinton Jacob after making a spot study of great medical centres in Europe and adapting it the needs of this country.
It was ready in time for the clinical training of the first batch of students in 1914.A 226 bed hospital was formally inaugurated by the Viceroy Lord Harding on the 10th January 1914.In his speech the Viceroy reaffirmed the confident hope of the King Emperor that the college and its apparatus would be the best in the East.To select the hospital equipment Major Selby spent several months in England interviewing manufacturers and inspecting their apparatus.
Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University (CSMMU) Lucknow announced MBBS Final Prof Part 2 Supplementary Exam Results 2011.
CSMMU MBBS Final Examination Results 2011.
Source - NewsVikram University Results 2011
Vikram University Ujjayini the capital of ancient Avanti Pradesh and one of the oldest and most renowned seats of learning has a rich academic and cultural heritage.mong the fourteen ancient universities of India, this 3000 year old university was the most widely recognized seat of all art forms, sports, science, literature,science and astronomical calculation.The annals of history establish that 3000 years hence Guru Sandipan, moved to Ujjayini from Kashi, and it was in Ujjayini, in his Ashram his disciples Lord Krishna, Balram and Sudama were initiated into the learning of Vedas and Vedanta.
The torch of learning has been burning unabated since.In the Mauryan period around 4th century BC, students from all over the world came to Ujjayini in pursuit of knowledge.By the end of the 4th century AD, under the Gupta king Vikramaditya the glory of this seat of learning spread farther.It reached its pinnacle of fame during the reign of king Asoka and Samvat Pravartak, King Vikramaditya Chandragupta II, who promoted Sanskrit over Prakrat.
Vikram University announced Following UG Degree Examination Results 2011.
1. B.H.Sc- IV Semester
2. B.H.Sc- IV Semester [ATKT]
3. BCA – IV Semester
4. BBA- IV Semester
5. BBA- IV Semester [Old]
6. BBA- II Semester [Hons]
HTET Results 2011
Haryana Teacher’s Eligibility Test (HTET) Examination Results 2011.
Haryana Teacher’s Eligibility Test Results 2011
Source - NewsTNOU Hall Ticket 2011
Tamil Nadu Open University was established by an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the Government of Tamil Nadu to benefit those who have been deprived of and/or denied the access to higher education especially destitute, physically challenged, working men and women, economically weaker sections of the society, and those who discontinued education for various reasons, etc.
In the main it aims to reach the hitherto unreached.The University offers many Programmes in various disciplines.The Distance Education Council, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) paid rich tributes to the Government of Tamil Nadu for having established TNOU thus Given the geographical extent population and actual need of Tamil Nadu the setting up of Tamil Nadu Open University by the Government of Tamil Nadu is the right step.We appreciate the Government of Tamil Nadu for having taken this bold and knowledgeable step.
This step of the Government of Tamil Nadu shall prove a boon for women, physically challenged rural poor and marganalised sections of the society and we are committed to support it academically as well as financially.In a short period of six months Tamil Nadu Open University has done a remarkable work.The University we understand has initiated steps for recruitment and the announcement of programmes both of which would not have been possible without considerable ground work and are really commendable.
Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) announced B.Ed & B.Ed (SE) Hall Tickets December 2011.
TNOU B.Ed Examination Hall Ticket 2011.
Source - News