Click here to download the ECIL GET Recruitment Notification 2012.
This blog article is being made to help you apply for GET positions in ECIL, by quoting important information from the above notification and at the same time, archives the information for future purpose e.g. ECIL GET Recruitment 2013-2014. Another blog article titled: ECIL GET exam pattern, Sample papers & Books would help you prepare for this exam with study materials.
But first learn about ECIL in brief.
Submit your suggestion / comments / complaints / Takedown request on lookyp.com@gmail.com
This blog article is being made to help you apply for GET positions in ECIL, by quoting important information from the above notification and at the same time, archives the information for future purpose e.g. ECIL GET Recruitment 2013-2014. Another blog article titled: ECIL GET exam pattern, Sample papers & Books would help you prepare for this exam with study materials.
But first learn about ECIL in brief.
Submit your suggestion / comments / complaints / Takedown request on lookyp.com@gmail.com
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