14th February is a special day for the lovers. Known as the Valentine's Day or Saint Valentine's Day, this day has always been celebrated as a special occasion where two people freely express their love for each other and exchange Valentine's Day gifts.
In earlier times, this day was celebrated by sending mutual love notes. However, since the 19th century, sending of valentines in the form of greeting cards became a common phenomenon. Amongst all forms of greeting cards, the heart-shaped cards have always been the most popular. It is a true symbol of the passion that two people share. The real story, however, is the sacrifice made by Saint Valentine for his beloved. On being rejected by his mistress, he was so heartbroken that he sent his still-beating heart to her as a token of his eternal love for her. However, cards depicting doves and cupid along with the heart symbol are also equally liked by people. During mid 19th century, hand-made Valentine's Day cards also became immensely popular. In fact, till date, Valentine's Day greeting cards [...]
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